Thursday, August 1, 2013

Landed and Jetlagged

I'm here in Shanghai, China alive and well.  The flight was one of the most relaxing flights I've ever been on.  I must thank my mother for getting me the business class ticket to China.  Best thing about it is B & B, priority boarding and free booze. Ha! When I asked for an adult beverage, I asked to stewardess if she needed to see my ID, and she, of course, said yes.  Carded at 30000ft, awesome.

As I was flying into the airport, I was looking out the window and saw a lighting bolt strike about 400-500 yards away from the plane. Scary and amazing sight to see.  I was lucky to my aunt's apartment before the rain came, and I managed to get a short run in.

So my reverse jetlag strategy didn't work out too well, and I'm still a little thrown off with the 12 hour time difference.  At least I have work to do when I'm up early in the morning and I get to see the sunrise. 塞翁失马。 That means a bad thing doesn't always mean its bad thing and vice versa for a good thing.

I already miss everyone at home, but I'm really enjoying my time here.  Even being here in China, it still hasn't hit me that I'm gone for a year.

Well, I hope everyone is doing well, I'll probably do a Vlog sometime next week, but uploading might take awhile because of the slower internet over here. I'd love to hear back from all of you. So comment below or Facebook me.


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