Friday, August 9, 2013

Chinese Recreational Running. It Exists!

Hi there everyone!

Well I haven't died of heat stroke yet. It has been around 40 C the last three days in Shanghai, that's around 100 F for us white American folk.  I've gotten smarter since I've been here.  I'm learned to not run at 2 in the afternoon, but instead at around 6 when it's much much cooler.  Before you say anything about me being crazy stupid for running in 100 degree weather let me do something explaining on the Chinese environment.  

1. I run in hot weather to get a sweat on and I think it builds mental toughness... bad choice I know.


2. There's an opportunity cost with running outdoors in China.  Early mornings and later evenings are some of the cooler times during the day, making it ideal to run outside right? Wrong! Those are actually the times when it's the worst to run because there are way too many cars, constant traffic jams. It's literally like LA. 

And, if you didn't know Shanghai isn't known for the great air quality, in fact most of China's air quality is well below par.  So you have the choice of run in "cooler" weather with chance of respiratory problems or die of heat stroke.  Neither sound too appealing to me, but I have to continue my marathon training some how.  (FYI I get motion sick on treadmills so that's out of the question)

This is something to keep in mind in America for those runners.  Afternoon run are normally easier because of less traffic and if the weather cooperates it makes for a nice afternoon workout.

Speaking of running, since I've being running the last two days (during the evenings), I've seen some recreational runners.  I was amazed.  I think between the two day I saw a total of 5 runners.  I'm glad to see that I'm not the only crazy asian in China that runs outside.  I'm slowly learning the road around where I live so I can actually try and take a scenic route instead of following the long boring straight road to the metro line station. 

My mom is coming in a couple of days, so I might be a little busy and not have time to write much.  I'll try to get a video blog up soon, and I'll get some footage of me on a run and show you guys Shanghai from my perspective. 



  1. I don't think you(or I for that matter) are allowed to include yourself and say "us white folk".

    And you're the first person I've ever heard to get motion sick on a treadmill.

    ....But I'm proud of you for continuing to run and I'm excited to keep reading about your adventures in China. I'm experiencing China vicariously through you, so don't be boring!(just kidding... but really. )^.^

  2. Will you were here with us Alyssa! You would help balance the IU group's yin-yang. Miss you!
