Thursday, December 5, 2013

Close the window you're letting in the PM 2.5

Well if you didn't know Nanjing has had two days where the air quality index was over 400.  Just to put things in to perspective at 100 you should avoid any heavy activity, 200 stay indoors, 300 don't go outside unless money is raining from the sky, even then reconsider, 400 death....

It literally was hard to breathe when I wake up in the morning, and I'm pretty sure I've lost some lung capacity in the last two days.  On a positive note, I feel like I've recovered from my marathon and have begun to walk normal again.  :) I'm really to take on my next challenge, unfortunately the Hong Kong Half-Marathon/10k are all filled up so no running there, but I'll find something hopefully.

It's crunch time in Nanjing right now, I have two papers to write and I have yet to start.  I don't know what is about me recently, I have no drive to study anymore.  Maybe it's not having a break since I've start college. Literally ever summer has been accounted for, and I thought this year would be a relaxing year... WRONG. It some way it has been relaxing, teachers taking it easy on me cause I got that "foreigner" status working for me, but then I just get lazy.  I want that drive that I use to have when I was a freshmen.  Maybe I need a swift kick in the ass, or some kind of motivation.  I don't want this mentality of "just getting by" to carry into my real senior year.  Change starts tomorrow!

A couple more months and I'll be back in the states. I cant wait to have real bacon again, and anyone who makes me a Thanksgiving meal when I get back, I'll love you forever.  Bacon-stuffing? Just a thought.

Until next time,


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